Sports Premium

PE and Sports Premium Funding

Since 2013, the government has provided an annual PE and sport premium for primary schools, which has to be used to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport offered. The premium is used:

  • to develop or add to the PE and sport activities that already offered by St Bernadette
  • to make improvements now that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years.

We are incredibly proud of having been nominated as worthy recipients of the national "Outstanding Primary PE Award " in February 2015 as well as having received the Bronze School Games Award for Sport. This has encouraged us to look at how to spend our P.E budget and use our sports premium effectively to maintain the high standards of sport in the school but also to continue to enhance and develop the opportunities we provide for our pupils.

The funding for St Bernadette School in 2023/24 is £17,690
See the attachments below for a full breakdown of how the school has spent the money received and the impact we have seen on the Pupils of St Bernadette.