Year 4- Times Tables Test

Year 4 Times Tables Test

The multiplication tables check is  a statutory  test for all Year 4 pupils. The purpose of it is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It helps us to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be put in place. Schools must administer the MTC to all eligible year 4 pupils between Monday 5 June and Friday 16 June 2023.

The test will be digital and will consist of 25 random multiplication questions such as 7 x 4 = ? on a screen. The children will be expected to answer the question using a touchscreen Chromebook. They will have 6 seconds to answer before the next question appears. All multiplication tables may be tested up to 12x12, which is the national expectation at the end of Year 4. Therefore, the children need to be learning and practising all times tables and working on fast recall. The Year 3 & 4 teachers will be dedicating some class time every week to this and will be getting the children used to the speed and appearance of the questions on a screen in order to ensure they are fully prepared.

Ways to support at home

We are providing paper practice sheets on a Friday with homework. The Children can access a number of resources on Purple Mash including the calculator Multiplication timed activity which is very similar to the test. Using songs such as YouTube times tables songs, post it notes, flash cards and writing out multiplication squares.

Please find below some links to online games that may support fast recall:

Mathsframe - Multiplication Tables Check

(This activity exactly mirrors the 'Multiplication Tables Check' that will be given to children at the end of Year 4 so is a great website to use!)

Topmarks - Hit the Button

Times Tables Games

The School Run - Maths Times Tables

and practice on:


Tricks and tips

Using tricks and tips can help children to see patterns in numbers. we have discussed knowing even and odd numbers helps with learning twos and threes. The fours are every other one in the two times tables. The sixes are every other one of the three times tables. The fives end in 5 or 0.  The eights are every other one of the fours. The nines are every third one of the three times tables or there is a trick with your hands where if you hold your hands up with your palms facing you, put the first thumb down and that represents 1 X 9 = 9. Continue by putting the second finger down instead and this will represent 2 X 9 =  18 ( your fingers to the left of the finger down show the tens and the fingers to the right of the finger down are the ones)